how to become more vascular
Vascular is defined as relating to, affecting, or consisting of a vessel or vessels, especially those which carry blood.
In the world of fitness and bodybuilding, however, vascularity refers to the aesthetics of one's body. When you are vascular, your body looks stronger and energetic, and all veins can be easily seen.
In the fitness world, many men desire to create a vascular physique so that they may look attractive and appealing. If you have been exercising regularly to have a vascular body, but have not been making any change, know that your body require new strategies.
Genetics do matter when it comes to vascularity as they determine how your body will react to various measures that you take.
You may also be taking several types of diets with no improvement for a couple of days. Don't worry, as, in this article, we are going to give you the best tips on how you can become vascular easily without the use of any chemicals.
There are things that you need to work on, so you become vascular or increase vascularity. Below are some of the basic things that you need to do, and you will eventually become vascular.
1.Lower your body fat percentage
If there's one principle that you absolutely should remember, it's this: your veins will become more visible if you lower your body fat percentage.
It takes a lot of sacrifice and hard work to become more vascular. If you have a high level of body fat on your body, you need to ensure that you reduce it. It doesn't matter if you want more vascular arms, chests, or even legs, lowering your body fat must happen.
First, you need to start by checking your diet. Ensure that you do not take in too many fats, or other high-caloric foods. Eat food such as pumpkin seed, egg, cottage cheese, yogurt, and other foods that are high rich in protein, as they will help burn fat.
Keep in mind the types of beverages you drink. Drinking alcohol, soda, or other types of beverages that contain a lot of sugar and calories, can be extremely detrimental to your gains.
Also, perform a ton of exercises that will enable you to get into a fat-burning state. Training daily helps your muscles to contract, thereby burning body fat.
Lastly, be sure to get enough sleep to give your body time to relax, build muscle, and release the hormones that are conducive to lowering your body fat percentage.
(Check out the video below for exercise tips)
2.Build muscle
You need to grow your muscles to become more vascular.
You can gain muscles by ensuring you increase your training volume. By this, your veins will come to the top of your skin, thereby increasing the vascularity and physique.
Ensure you do enough training every day. Also, ensure that you are consuming protein, a solid amount of calories, fruits and vegetables, and ensure you drink a lot of water.
After a full working day, ensure you get enough sleep, so your body will get time to relax the muscles (CF Bentzinger).
You will notice muscle change in eight weeks after you begin proper training.
Controlling the number of fluids in your body also contributes a lot to ensuring muscle growth. If you do not drink water, your muscles will always look like they have lost their size and may even appear weak.
Building muscle will likely be the biggest challenge you'll have to face on your quest for vascularity.
3.Clean up your diet
Another big thing you need to consider for a better vascularity is the amount and the quality of food you're eating daily.
If you want to lower your body fat percentage, you need to start taking your diet seriously. You may follow every tip we have given, but if you fail to look into your diet, then everything could go to waste.
If you continue devouring food rich in fat, carbohydrates, and calories, your veins will always continue to be hidden in a layer of body fat.
Ensure that you monitor the caloric intake in your body. Eat food that is rich in protein, and, of course, a lot of vegetables, to ensure your body gets only the nutrients it requires at this point.
Food such as broccoli, spinach, kale, fish, lean meat, low-sugar fruits, etc. are the most recommended to give your body the best nutrition.
(See video below for diet ideas)
4.Balance sodium and potassium intake
When your body intakes a lot of sodium, your kidneys are going to efficiently remove water available in your body, thus lowering your vascular physique.
Ensure you keep your sodium intake at a lower level so that you keep your body hydrated. Also, ensure that you eat a lot of low-sodium items such as vegetables, poultry, and fish.
Since our bodies can be quite sensitive, you may lose your vascularity easily from small things that you may ignore, one of them being the salt intake into your body. Ensure you consume no more than 1500mg of sodium per day to maintain your health and figure.
Taking more potassium also has a significant impact on your body. Potassium chloride when taken more than required, may increase the chances of higher blood pressure that could eventually lead to lowered vascularity.
Ensuring that you get a balanced diet every day guarantees you of an adequate level of potassium intake for your body.
It's a good idea to ensure your meals contain foods such as oranges, broccoli, greens, tomatoes, cabbages, green peas, blueberries, and cauliflower. Those food items contain a solid level of potassium for your body.
5.Raise your body temperature
Another thing to do to build vascular easily is by raising your body temperature. Having a high temperature allows the blood to circulate well in your veins; thus, leading to muscle relaxation.
You can raise your body temperature by being active and doing several activities. You can, for example, go for a walk.
If you are in a position where you cannot walk or do not enjoy walking, there are other activities such as jogging, pushups, raising your hands, or any other activity that you can do while still in the house (O walusinski).
Ensuring your body temperature is higher will not only keep and build your muscles, but will also burn calories in your body.
When calories are burning, you are likely going to lose fats that are hindering your blood from circulating. Always ensure that your body temperature increases during exercise (make those hours at the gym count), and you will eventually become vascular in no time!

6.Blood flow restriction bands
Some may be a bit skeptical about the use of blood flow restriction bands, but some studies show that they do help build lean muscle.
If you're not familiar with blood flow restriction bands, they're essentially bands you wear when lifting weights. As the name implies, the bands help with blood flow restriction, which causes less oxygen to be supplied to your muscles.
When less oxygen is supplied to the muscle, it encourages fast twitch muscle fibers to respond quicker to your lift, which then helps to promote faster muscle growth. In addition, there's a good chance that your veins will be a lot more visible during your lifts!
Some people are genetically vascular and do not need to do much in the way of exercise or dieting.. Some also require little effort for them to appear healthy.
Most people in the world find it difficult to accept that we are all not the same and always aim at getting a body like that of their friend, or the next hottest fitness model they see on the internet.
In most cases, genetics do not work out the way that we wanted them to, and you need to take your own measures to improve and grow upon your given stack of genetics.
Ensure you internalize every tip provided and do not get tired of working extra hard, even if you find that some of your peers put in a fraction of the effort that you do and may appear to look better. Genetics do make a difference, but they should never be an excuse to not have the body you want.
If you push yourself hard enough, you will eventually get the body you desire. It may take longer than you'd like, and even longer than some of your peers, but the results will come. It's good to compete, but do not compare to the point where you start making up excuses.
8.Consume food rich in nitrates
Food substances that are rich in nitrates, such as beetroot, are the most essential for the development of strong muscles. The food generally helps in the production of nitric acid in your body.
For one, nitric acid is one of the powerful vasodilators which will eventually help your vessels dilate and expand easily. These, in return, make your blood flow across the veins easily.
In addition, more oxygen will flow into your cells, giving the muscles more energy to develop. Food, rich in nitrates, also speed up the transportation of the nutrients to the cells, thus enabling the muscles to be more reliable.
Always ensure that you get plenty of nitrate-rich food such as spinach, lettuce, and kale. Those vegetables all contain a good amount of nitrate.
9.Practice posing
If you are looking to be more vascular, it may be a good idea to practice your posing! If you feel uncomfortable flexing in front of other people, then just do it in front of a mirror.
This will help you observe how your muscles are progressing. As ridiculous as it may sound, flexing also acts as a way of lifting something substantial in your hands, which provides additional exercise for your muscles.
Posing/flexing also helps to make the blood smoothly flow into your veins, thereby making your muscles look even more extensive. Your blood vessels also get a chance to expand, thereby increasing in size and making you look leaner and potentially more vascular.
There is also the mental aspect of flexing. By looking at ourselves and physically witnessing progression, it stimulates a sense of motivation and accomplishment. It also allow us to further visualize what we want to look like in the future.
Ensure that you pose anytime that you are free at your house, and you will see significant changes in a couple of weeks. Feel free to take pictures along your journey. Nothing is more inspiring than "before and after" pictures.
10.Muscle pump
Lastly, if you're in a bit of time crunch and need to look good for a photoshoot or a day at the beach, you can utilize the concept of a muscle pump.
A muscle pump is when your muscles swell up immediately after a workout. Whenever someone works out, they'll typically look bigger, leaner, and of course, more vascular, right afterward.
Bodybuilders, celebrities, and fitness models will frequently exercise right before hitting the stage or jumping in front of a camera in order to look their absolute best.
While this is not exactly a long-term strategy to permanently increase vascularity, it can be employed occasionally as a short-term tactic to a transform into a "pumped-up" version of yourself. 🙂
In conclusion, if you want to become more vascular, follow the above guidelines, and you will see changes with time.
There is no hidden secret. The secret really lies in the tips of above. Vasculariy can be very hard to achieve. If you do not have the right genes, you may need to put in even more effort and energy.
Finally, never look at the physique of celebrities or peers, and wish you are them. Accept yourself and believe that you are capable of looking just as good, if not better, than they do.
Take proper action, work extra smart, and with time, you can be an inspiration to others!

McArdle, W. D. (1987). Nutrition, weight control, and exercise. Lea & Febiger.
Bagchi, D., Nair, S., & Sen, C. K. (Eds.). (2018). Nutrition and enhanced sports performance: muscle building, endurance, and strength. Academic Press.
how to become more vascular
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